When you have diabetes, accuracy matters.
Choose a platform with results you can trust.
The Accu-Chek Guide platform has 10/10 accuracy1 making it the most accurate of the Accu-Chek platforms to date. In an average week, our quality control process tests a combined total of over 60,000 Accu-Chek test strips for consistent accuracy.2
If you're not currently using Accu-Chek products, get a free meter and ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider to help you switch today.
See what Medicare Part B covers for people with diabetes.
Get your free Accu-Chek meter now!
110/10 accuracy: 95% of measured glucose results shall fall within ±10 mg/dL of lab reference value for blood glucose concentrations <100 mg/dL and within 10% for blood glucose concentrations >100 mg/dL. (Data on file.)
2Data on file. Based on average weekly strip production of approximately 80M and includes a combination of testing test strips for accuracy and precision standards.