Medicare coverage for diabetes

Discover how you can get coverage for your diabetes supplies and equipment through Medicare Part B.

24 August 2023
AC Medicare Part B Hero

What does Medicare Part B cover for people with diabetes?

Medicare Part B will cover much of your diabetes care, including doctors' services, lab tests, preventive care and supplies.1 If you have diabetes, it also covers your testing supplies, whether you use insulin or not.2 This includes:

How to get diabetes supplies through Medicare Part B

To get your diabetes supplies under Medicare Part B, you need a prescription from your doctor. 
If you and your doctor determine that an Accu-Chek® Guide Me blood glucose monitor and Accu-Chek Guide test strips are right for you, they can specify Accu-Chek Guide Me blood glucose meter on the prescription. They can even include the phrase "Do Not Substitute" to make sure you get the brand you want.

How much will you pay for diabetes supplies through Medicare Part B?

After you have met the yearly Part B deductible, you'll pay coinsurance of 20% of the Medicare-approved payment rate for necessary supplies and services.3 Many Medicare beneficiaries have additional coverage that may help them pay the coinsurance.

All diabetes supplies are reimbursed at the same rate under Medicare Part B.4  You won't pay more to get quality Accu-Chek diabetes products available at all major retail pharmacies.

1All information provided herein is for general informational purposes only. It is up to the insured to understand their specific insurance and coverage. Specific limitations and requirements may apply. Accu-Chek test strips are covered under Medicare Part B when medically necessary and prescribed by a physician. Roche Diabetes Care, Inc. does not guarantee coverage or payments.

2Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Medicare Coverage of Diabetes Supplies, Services, & Prevention Programs. Available at:… Last accessed August 24, 2023.

