

between diabetes and mental well-being.

#ConnectingWhatCounts between diabetes and mental well-being.

Almost one-third of people with diabetes are affected by mental health issues,1 and nearly half of these cases go undetected.2

This World Diabetes Day,  Roche will focus on the connection between diabetes and mental health, raise awareness that it’s “OK not to be OK” by speaking out loud about stigma, and let you know that there is help available.

Join us as we work to improve awareness about the connection between diabetes and mental well-being by explaining signs and symptoms, speaking about prevention and treatment and pushing back against the stigma, together.

Diabetes State of Mind

#ConnectingWhatCounts — the link between diabetes and mental well-being

Diabetes is an epidemic in the US, affecting 37 million — about one in ten — Americans.3 One in every five adults will suffer from a mental health disorder each year. A recent report from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that people with diabetes are 2‑3 times more likely to have depression than people without diabetes.

According to a new Diabetes State of Mind survey of adults in the US, these are only some of the mental health issues that often plague people with diabetes regardless of the type they have or how long they have been living with this chronic disease.

Diabetes State of Mind Survey 4

DSoM Survey Graphic for Page - 1056px

A variety of issues related to diabetes can trigger stress, anxiety, and anger.5 These include the pressure of disease management decisions that need to be made every day, challenges related to intimacy, access to affordable supplies, navigating insurance coverage, difficulty making nutritious food choices or time for exercise, and feelings of shame or guilt when not achieving blood glucose goals.

Mental illnesses are conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, feelings, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily functioning. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, disruptors to mental health can result in reduced capacity for coping with the demands of life.

National Resources

If you or someone you know has diabetes and is struggling with anxiety, depression or needs mental health support, it’s important to know it’s OK not to be OK. Resources are available.

  • The American Diabetes Association helps people find local mental health providers. Visit their site to learn more.
  • The Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) Provides resources and guidance to support the physical and mental health of individuals living with diabetes. Visit their site to learn more.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides helpful mental health resources and support. Visit their site to learn more.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Visit their site to learn more.
State of Prevalence

Diabetes State of Mind aims to drive more attention to the connection between diabetes and mental health, address misconceptions, and create a positive environment for conversation. With information, connection, and tools to help stay on top of the daily grind of diabetes, it is often possible to prevent feelings of burnout and distress from going too far. Learn more about the state of diabetes and mental health in the following states: Arizona, California, Indiana, Minnesota and Texas.

#ConnectingWhatCounts through Voices in the Community

Disclaimer: Roche is not providing medical or mental health advice.This content is not, and is not intended to be, relied upon as medical or mental health advice nor is it intended to be relied upon for any medical/mental health diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical/mental health questions you may have. Do not ignore medical/mental health symptoms, medical/mental health advice previously obtained from a physician or other qualified healthcare professional, or delay in obtaining medical/mental health advice based upon this content.

  1. Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare. Accessed 15 September 2023.
  2. Mental Health America. Accessed 15 September 2023
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed 15 September 2023.
  4. Data on file. Online survey of 2,033 adults 18 years and older including 325 people with diabetes conducted by Big Village in September 2023. Commissioned by Roche.
  5. American Diabetes Association. Accessed 15 September 2023.