Diabetes Care-Related Charitable Support

At Roche Diabetes Care, supporting the diabetes community and advocacy efforts is a top priority. We donate annually to educational and research programs throughout the country. These support requests are diabetes care-related and are consistent with Roche Diabetes Care’s mission.


Roche Diabetes Care supports the following categories of request:

  • Educational Programs

Your organization must be recognized by the IRS as a tax exempt, public charity under sections 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code and be located in the United States or be a US governmental organization (e.g. public schools, public colleges and universities, public hospitals and federally recognized Indian tribal governments).

  • Request must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the event.
  • Only events related to the diabetes disease state will be considered.
  • The event/request must take place in the United States.

Patient Assistance requests will not be considered for funding.

To meet the criteria for this category of charitable support,

Your organization must not be:

  • Owned wholly or in part by a physician or a group or physicians, including group practices, privately owned physician offices, or charitable foundations of small group practices
  • A political or sectarian organization

The funding must not be used for:

  • Advertising
  • Alumni drives
  • Capital funding
  • Continuing medical education
  • Infrastructure
  • Memberships
  • Professional sporting events or athletes
  • Religious causes
  • Scholarships
  • Specific Individuals

Additionally, Roche Diabetes Care cannot be the sole supporter of an event or program.

Before you begin the request process, please have ready the following information:

  • Name and email address of a legally authorized approver for the request
  • Organization details, including organization’s most recent W-9
  • Event/program details, including PDF of event flyer, letter, etc.

An event/program that will occur on multiple dates and/or in multiple locations can be summarized in one request. Please use the Description field in the form to denote any such details in your request.




Approval Process

Roche will review your request and respond within three business weeks.